A Day in the Life of a Huntingdon Hawk: Myles Johnson ‘26


News Release

February 7, 2024
For more information, contact:
Dr. Anthony Leigh, aleigh@hawks.psychomotricite-la-seyne.com

A Day in the Life of a Huntingdon Hawk: Myles Johnson ‘26

Photo:  Myles Johnson (far right) hangs out with friends in Trimble Hall.

Montgomery, Ala. – Every student at Huntingdon has a unique daily routine, a class schedule that varies from semester to semester, and their own ways they contribute to the life of the College outside of the classroom.  Over the coming weeks, we’ll ask a number of Huntingdon students to journal a day in their life at Huntingdon to highlight the Huntingdon experience and to showcase campus life.

Myles Johnson ’26 is a sophomore from Florence, Alabama, majoring in history with plans to obtain certification in secondary education.  He shares his day in the life of a Hawk on Monday, February 5.

“At 7:00, my alarm went off and I took a quick shower to wake myself up.  I swung by the dining hall for breakfast before doing a final review for my make-up Ancient Greece exam.  At 9:15, I headed over to Dr. Witcher’s office to take the test that covered Athens, Corinth and Sparta.  My hand still hurts from all of that writing!

I walked back to my room in Trimble Hall at 10:30 and scrolled through Tik Tok to relax a little after the exam.  I had an 11:00 Torah class in Flowers Hall with Dr. Abernethy. The topic of today’s class was the promises that God made to Abraham.  I then met my basketball teammates in the Tomberlin Fitness Center for a 12:15 lift with Coach Willis. Today we worked mostly on arms and core.  I walked back to the dining hall after the lift with some of the guys and grabbed a turkey sandwich from Miss Ruby and a couple of slices of pizza.  I took a shower and grabbed a nap.

At 3:00, I headed back to Flowers Hall for my last class of the day with Dr. Ball. It’s a medieval Europe course and we discussed the Germans and the rise of the barbarians.  At 4:15, I sprinted over to Roland Arena for basketball practice.  We worked to prepare for our home games this weekend versus Piedmont and Covenant.  At 6:45, we were done with practice, and a couple of my friends went with me to Moe’s for Moe’s Monday. I got a burrito and you already know I got some queso, too!

We got back to campus around 8:00.  I took my last shower for the day and did some reading and studying for my Tuesday classes.  I was done with homework by about 9:30 and I sat around the dorm with some of my roommates playing 2k and UFC for the rest of the night.  I went to my room at about 11:00 and fell asleep listening to music and watching Tik Tok. It was a full Monday!”


Huntingdon College, in accordance with Title IX and Section 106.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, other applicable federal and state law, and stated College policy, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.  Similarly, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age and/or national origin in its education program

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Dr. Anthony J. Leigh

Senior Vice President for Student and Institutional Development; Dean of Students
(334) 833-4528 | aleigh@hawks.psychomotricite-la-seyne.com

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